Party Reservations


Please fill out this simple form.

All fields marked with an asterisk “*” are required,

but if some data is not available, enter “ON” instead.

The information we collect from you will be kept strictly confidential.

We will use this information to contact you regarding your interest in planning a party in Zagreb.

ANTROPOTI VIP CLUB client information is treated with the utmost security, and the same will never be sold to third parties

However, we need a valid e-mail address to send you an offer you have requested and valid phone number (preferably your mobile number) so that we can contact you and you’re able to ask us questions that help us integrate and assemble the best deal for you.

Our goal is to create the perfect VIP experience for you and your group, ensuring your continued patronage in the future.

*Event Details:



I want that my Party package includes:





Estimated Budget:



More details:






*All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required, by sending this query you agree with the terms and conditions of use


